musicapy.saavn_api package


musicapy.saavn_api.api module

class musicapy.saavn_api.api.SaavnAPI

Bases: SearchService, SongService, AlbumService, Utils

SaavnAPI class inherits all the services of the JioSaavn API used to search, get details and lyrics of songs and album

musicapy.saavn_api.config module

musicapy.saavn_api.endpoint module

musicapy.saavn_api.endpoint.get_data(api_type: str = '', params: Optional[dict] = None, use_v4: bool = True) dict

Sends HTTP GET request to the Saavn API server and returns data in python dict format

  • api_type – str value containing Saavn api method from apis.saavnAPI.config module

  • params – dict value containing query key-value pairs

  • use_v4 – bool value. If True uses API v4 else ignores it. default value True


returns a dict containing data else returns False if any status code is not 200

Return type

dict or bool

musicapy.saavn_api.endpoint.get_endpoint(api: str, is_version_4: bool = True) str

Get endpoint url

  • api – str value, api call from apis.saavnAPI.config module

  • is_version_4 – bool value, if True uses API version 4, else ignores it


str value containing JioSaavn API endpoint

Return type

str module


Bases: object

AlbumService class provides JioSaavn API wrapper class to perform operations on albums

Generates album song download links and returns it as dict


identifier – dictionary containing type and value as keys containing type(id or link) and its value(pids or token) respectively for JioSaavn API.


returns details along with song download links as dict, if error occurs returns False

Return type

dict or bool

static get_album_details(identifier: dict) dict

Fetches album details and returns it as dict


album_query – str value, can be album link or album name


returns album details as dict, if error occurs returns False

Return type

dict or bool


Bases: object

SearchService used to search for songs based on albums or song name or all. Contains implemented to search for songs and albums, returns data in json format as python dict.

static search_album(album_query: str, page: int = 1, limit: int = 20) dict

Search for albums

  • query (album) – str containing album name

  • page – int value containing page number

  • limit – int value representing number of results on a single page


False if anything goes wrong else returns python dict containing dict

Return type

dict or bool

static search_all(query: str) dict

Search for songs and albums


query – str containing query (artist, song or album name)


returns dict if no error occurs else returns False

Return type

dict or bool

static search_song(song_query: str, page: int = 1, limit: int = 20) dict

Searchs for songs using song name and returns data based on passed arguments

  • song_query – string containing name of the song

  • page – int value used for pagination

  • limit – int value used for total results fetched on single page


returns a dict containing data if error occurs returns False

Return type

dict or bool


Bases: object

SongService class wraps various JioSaavn API functions such as extracting song id, encrypted url, get trending songs, charts, etc.

static method of SongService Generates download links for song in various bitrate formats using identifier from JioSaavn API.


identifier – dictionary containing type and value as keys containing type(id or link) and its value(pids or token) respectively for JioSaavn API.


returns a dictionary containing song auth url, file type and status if error occurs then returns False

Return type

dict | bool

static get_charts() dict

Get song charts list as json data in form of dict


dict containing charts

Return type

None or dict

static get_song_details(identifier: dict, use_v4=False) dict

Get song details using identifier

  • identifier – dictionary containing type and value as keys containing type(id or link) and its value(pids or token) respectively for JioSaavn API.

  • use_v4 – bool value notifying Service to use API version 4, default value is False


returns data in form of dict, if error occurs or data is absent then returns False

Return type

dict or bool

static get_song_id(identifier: dict) str

Retreives Song Main Id which is used to get lyrics


identifier – dictionary containing type and value as keys containing type(id or link) and its value(pids or token) respectively for JioSaavn API.


Song Id as str if id found else False

Return type

str or bool

static method of SongService Generates link for song using identifier from JioSaavn API.

  • identifier – dictionary containing type and value as keys containing type(id or link) and its value(pids or token) respectively for JioSaavn API.

  • bitrate – bitrate of the song, default value 320 i.e. 320 kbps


returns a dictionary containing song auth url, file type and status if error occurs then returns False

Return type

dict | bool

static get_song_lyrics(identifier: dict) str

Get song lyrics


identifier – dictionary containing type and value as keys containing type(id or link) and its value(pids or token) respectively for JioSaavn API.


dict containing charts

Return type

dict or bool

Get trending songs list as json data in form of dict


dict containing trending songs list

Return type

None or dict

static save_song(identifier: dict, floc: str, bitrate: str = '320')

Saves song to local machine using identifier

  • identifier – dictionary containing type and value as keys containing type(id or link) and its value(pids or token) respectively for JioSaavn API.

  • floc – str value, containing downloaded file location

  • bitrate – str value, bitrate of the song, default value 320 i.e. 320 kbps


dict containing trending songs list

Return type


musicapy.saavn_api.utils module

class musicapy.saavn_api.utils.Utils

Bases: object

static create_identifier(link: str, identifier_type: str = 'song')

Creates identifier dict used with SongService to perform various actions.

  • link – str value containing link of the JioSaavn song/album

  • identifier_type – str value can be of type song or album


returns dictionary with keys type containing identifier type i.e. id or link and value key containing pids or token

Return type


Extracts id from the song or album JioSaavn URL

  • link – str value containing song or album URL

  • identifier_type – str value can take values song or album based on URL type


id from the URL as str

Return type


Generates album song download links from data fetched from SaavnAPI


album_details – dict value containing data fetched from SaavnAPI using AlbumService.get_album_details static method


returns album song download links as a dictionary, if error occurs returns False

Return type

dict or bool

Generates download links from preview url extracted from previous version of Jio Saavn API

  • preview_link – str value containing song preview URL

  • preview_bitrate – str value containing preview bit rate, default value is _96_p


returns dictionary of bitrate as key and download link as urls i.e. { bitrate : download_link}

Return type


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